I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas...And it was Grand!
They gave us a trip to visit them and share in their traditional Norwegian family Christmas. They live in Minneapolis in a beautiful neighborhood filled with wonderful, old houses that were such a treat to see.
Their home is a perfect place for company--It was originally a duplex with one large home unit upstairs and one the same size downstairs. They gave us a room with a comfy warm bed ( down comforter and all) for sleeping, and the cozy downstairs kitchen, where I read and had coffee in the morning. They fed us like royalty while we stayed with them. The place was great. We had lovely times together and quiet time apart.
Ice cycles hung outside the window upstairs.
The festive home across the street looked like it should be on a Christmas Card.
We had time to walk in the snow and time to practice our numbers for "the program" before the big night came. Linda and Victoria managed to come up with two guitars and a mandolin for us to use while we were there, so all we had to bring were the tuner, picks and capos and such. These items fit easily in carry-on luggage so we didn't even have to check bags.
Victoria and Linda did all the hard work--things like decorating, and cooking and blowing the snow off sidewalks and driveways. We were "restful" and happy.
We walked in the evening snow one night and loved it.
The whole week was fun and Christmas Eve we celebrated with Victoria's son and his family. We had a perfect dinner. There were gifts and we all were a part of their annual Christmas program.
We had a very good Christmas, and a safe flight home. And now we have the memories of our White Christmas with all the beautiful snow falling just outside the windows like you hear tell of.